Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The MOBUCA 2012: The Diocesan Comprehensive Program (2005-2012)


The IFI Diocese of MOBUCA is a progressive and fully developed Local Christian Community – faithfully witnessing for Christ and journeying with the struggle of the basics masses – living out her nationalist heritage where societal peace based on justice and harmony among people and the whole creation flourish, enjoying an abundant life and integral salvation towards the realization of the Kingdom of God here in earth.

Mobuca is a progressive and fully developed Local Church
Mobuca is living out here nationalist heritage
Mobuca is enjoying abundant life and integral salvation


To establish a cohesive, well-disciplined and committed membership in pursuit of living out the authentic, liberating and self-denying teachings of Christ, manifested in the nationalist faith and heritage of the IFI, to support the total ministry of the church in responding the needs of its members and the marginalized sectors of society.

establish a more cohesive, well-disciplined and faithfully committed membership
live out the authentic, liberating and self-denying teachings of Christ
manifest the nationalist faith and heritage of the IFI
support the total ministry of the church that responds to the needs of its members and the marginalized sectors.


By year 2012, MOBUCA aims to achieve the following results:


A well-informed membership on the basic teachings , discipline and faith heritage of the IFI.


A comprehensive Christian Stewardship Program instituted and implemented in the entire Diocese.


A consolidated church membership responsively participating in the ministry of the Church


MOBUCA redistricted into three self-reliant Local Churches (Bukidnon, West Misamis Oriental & Cagayan de Oro including East Misamis Oriental, Camiguin)


Advocacy Desk established to promote development programs for the welfare of the members and the marginalized sectors of society


Published Liturgical materials and hymnals that promote the IFI nationalist heritage.


Centralized implementation of Church infrastructure projects through allocation of church resources and proceeds from maximization of existing and idle resources to assist and enhance lay ministry, evangelism and church expansion programs.


On the Area of Education

A well-informed membership on the basic teachings, discipline and faith heritage of the IFI.

Members have common understanding of IFI’s theology, history and spirituality
General membership has a fuller grasp of IFI’s prophetic role as pillar of Philippine society
General membership’s way of life is reflective of Aglipayan Spirituality, which is rooted in scriptures, charity, liberty and science.
Members (both clergy and laity) are practicing Christians as imbued in the Articles of Religion number 12.
General membership encouraged undertaking continuing education on the ministry of Jesus and the basic teachings of the IFI
Members lived out the IFI Faith Standard as expressed thru the 9-point guidelines and the Rule of Life
Copies of Centennial Bible seen in the homes of members.

On the Area of Christian Stewardship and Human Resource development

A Comprehensive Christian Stewardship Program instituted and implemented in the entire Diocese

Published a Diocesan Membership Profile/Databank
50% increase in regular church attendance
50% increase in income support to church mission and expansion work
More members understood and practiced tithing as the minimum form of Christian giving.
Produced and disseminated educational modules and materials on Christian Stewardship.
Family sponsorship on Sundays properly instituted, implemented and continuously enriched.
Commissioned sufficient number (at least 2 per station/district) of well-trained Lay Readers committed in the evangelization ministry of the church.
Skilled/professional members tapped to conduct skills on human resource development, entrepreneurship, and other forms of income-generating programs and projects.
Established Learning Centers in every Parish
Improved quality of church workers, especially the clergy and lay readers through human resource development program
Instituted lay apostolate/ministry programs to enhance participation of the laity in realizing their baptismal covenant.

On the Areas of Membership Consolidation

A consolidated church membership responsively participating in the ministry of the Church

Diocesan/parish councils working harmoniously in pursuing the mission of the Church
Active participation of at least 75% of the members of all sectors in sectoral programs and projects in all levels of the diocese
Church systems and processes are efficient, effective and appropriate with regards IFI’s mission and services.
Church workers (both clergy and lay) equipped with adequate skills in leadership and management
clergy obedient to the virtues of Kyregma, Kenosis, Koinonia and Diakonia.

On the Area of Evangelism and Church Expansion

MOBUCA redistricted into three self-reliant Local Churches.

Centralization program fully implemented at the diocesan level
established new missions (5 in Bukidnon; 3 in West Misamis Oriental, & 3 in East Misamis Oriental including 1 in Camiguin)
Stabilized smaller parishes and missions sufficiently prepared to support the ministry of the diocese.
Established three self-reliant dioceses in Bukidnon, West Misamis Oriental and Cagayan de Oro (including East Misamis Oriental & Camiguin) with respective leadership bodies in place.

On the Area of Advocacy, Social Ministry and Ecumenical Relations

Advocacy Desk established to promote development programs for the welfare of the members and the marginalized sectors of society.

Allocated budget from the diocesan income for the operation of the advocacy Desk
Income Generating Projects developed to generate funds for advocacy work of the church (medical/dental and relief assistance to the marginalized and victims of natural & man-made calamities and disasters)
Cooperative organizations among all sectors organized and assisted in fund sourcing (both local and foreign) for their development
established partnership with other organizations/denominations that seek to realize the aspiration of the Filipino people especially the marginalized sectors
Linked with NCCP regional body and other groups to promote the nationalist agenda f the people.

On the Area of Liturgy and Worship

Published Liturgical materials and hymns that promote the IFI nationalist heritage.

Periodic publication of mass guides, church rituals and hymnals that promote the aspiration of the people.
Popularized hymns, compositions and documentary materials that promote the IFI nationalist heritage
Conducted periodic liturgical renewal seminars and workshops
Enriched liturgies to enhance people’s participation during worship.

On the Area of Infrastructure and Real Estate Development

Centralized implementation of church infrastructure projects through maximization of church resources (e.g. proceeds from the development of existing and idle real properties of the church ) to assist and enhance lay ministry, evangelism and church expansion programs.

Established the Diocesan Christian Education and Nurture Training Center (DCENT Center) at Bulua
Instituted the Bishop Diel Memorial Center at the Cathedral
Assisted parishes in constructing beautiful central churches
invested idle lots through advantageous schemes favoring the church and fully maximized its resources for the ministry and mission of the church
50% of Church properties titled in the name of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente

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